O Primeiro Ministro da Nova Zelândia (John Key) listou no programa americano, The Late Show (with David Letterman), 10 razões do porque deveríamos - eu já estou aqui- visitar o país. As dez razões são bem humoradas e nem todas verdadeiras segundo o jornal local, The New Zealand Herald. Para aqueles que querem conferir a performance do Primeiro Ministro há um vídeo disponível no YouTube (inglês). Segue as razões comentadas (por mim):
10. The Auckland Airport now has a Cinnabon- Nunca vi essa loja especializada em Canela e doces!
9. We have the loosest slot machines in the Pacific Rim.
8. Only a convenient 20-hour flight away- Do Brasil são aprox. 14 horas.
7. It's like England without the attitude- Não sei se concordo!
6. Down there Leno's on at 9 o'clock (Talk show host and comedian Jay Leno).
5. Get the whanau together, stay in a bach, crack open a chilly bin and slap on your jandals- Quase que impossível.
4. Visit in the next 30 days, I'll pick you up at the airport - Sem comentários.
3. Seventy per cent of our energy is generated through renewable hydropower - look they don't all have to be jokes.
2. We drive on the left side of the road - like the British and Lindsay Lohan - o que é terrível.
1. Unlike most of the world, we still like Americans. É verdade!
9. We have the loosest slot machines in the Pacific Rim.
8. Only a convenient 20-hour flight away- Do Brasil são aprox. 14 horas.
7. It's like England without the attitude- Não sei se concordo!
6. Down there Leno's on at 9 o'clock (Talk show host and comedian Jay Leno).
5. Get the whanau together, stay in a bach, crack open a chilly bin and slap on your jandals- Quase que impossível.
4. Visit in the next 30 days, I'll pick you up at the airport - Sem comentários.
3. Seventy per cent of our energy is generated through renewable hydropower - look they don't all have to be jokes.
2. We drive on the left side of the road - like the British and Lindsay Lohan - o que é terrível.
1. Unlike most of the world, we still like Americans. É verdade!